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Egypt Online Entrepreneurship
Are you Creative, Passionate, Motivated?
Are You Optimistic, Persuasive, Resourceful?
Are You Adventurous, Decisive, Flexible?
Find out if you are one, Dive into Entrepreneurship. It will take just 2 weeks on our online entrepreneurship program to find out!
Imagine getting mentored by professionals!
In the areas of Ideation, Product, Design, Marketing, Finance, and Pitching!
Create your own company
Pitch in front of professionals
Calling all rising 7th/8th/9th graders
Spend your 2 weeks of summer online with Nebula
Create your own company and pitch in front of professional judges!
The Program
Program Structure
Week 1
Get exposed to foundational entrepreneurship concepts
Business Models
Investor Pitching
Week 2
Idea Generation and Finalization
Go-To Market Strategy
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